Communication-Mastery Communication Mastery An extensive and highly popular module that covers the wide horizon of all the crucial, critical and core aspects of developing and mastering holistic communication transforming you into a Power Communicator equipped with the ability of creating a magnanimous impact.

The Power of An Effective Communicator

Communication is a highly sought after tool that has been the cynosure of every student or employee at any institution or corporate entity. Even though we as humans are blessed with this unique tools to communicate, we seldom use it to the fullest. Today with our lifestyles transforming into an extremely digital phase and processes becoming automated, many of us tend to underestimate the power of being an effective communicator. Leave alone learning the skills, we depend on technology heavily to represent us.


At SEA, our communication enhancement module focuses on improving not just the skill alone, but also focuses on.

  • Driving home the critical necessity of this highly essential competency.
  • Re-engineering the entire aspect of the most sought after skill.
  • Enabling the participant to imbibe the powerful tools, techniques and methodology of establishing that crucial connect.

Our Best Services

Explore SEA’s highly popular and in-demand communication mastery modules that focusses on strengthening the core areas of your inter-personal abilities, paving the way towards creating the Power Communicator within you.

Identify key skills & techniques towards an effective and strong communication foundation
Dialogue Conversation
Discover the power of dialogues and transform into a great conversationalist
Become a sensation with the charm of your oratorical skills
Executive Presence
Create and carve your path towards becoming a magnanimous leader
Writing Skills
Learn awesome techniques to ace your writing skills
Objection Handling
Skill yourself with this most sought after powerful sales technique
Confidence Building
Take the universe by storm with the aura of your inspiring confidence

Our Modules

Experience the professional coaching and mentoring of SEA’s globally certified English language experts through our English Grammar master class offered in 3 modules


30 Sessions

  • Foundation
  • Dialogue
  • Conversation
  • Confidence Building


60 Sessions

  • Foundation
  • Dialogue
  • Conversation
  • Executive Presence
  • Oration
  • Confidence Building
Superior Choice


120 Sessions

  • Foundation
  • Dialogue
  • Conversation
  • Executive Presence
  • Oration
  • Writing Skills
  • Objection Handling
  • Confidence Building
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